Sunday, July 1, 2012


I'm starting this blog so that I can share my recipes with friends and family and hope to spread some inspiration to others.  I also see this blog as a good way to keep track of what I have made and what I thought about it.  If I find interesting articles, etc., I may post them here...
A little about myself:  I am new to being a vegan, I've been animal product free for about 3 weeks now.  Why be a vegan?  About a month ago I had a stomach virus and my doctor told me to cut out all meat and dairy until my stomach felt better.  Once I brought meat and dairy back into my diet I noticed that honestly felt better when I didn't eat it.  I did a ton of research and decided to drop all animal products from my diet and have been feeling great!  I don't feel like I need an afternoon nap, my clothes are fitting better, and I feel much more energetic!
The documentary Forks Over Knives also inspired me to research this diet and helped persuade me to changing the way I eat.  
Also, I've always had a hard time eating meat, even when I was a kid I had a hard time with the thought that I was eating a once living animal.  Before switching to a vegan diet I was very picky about the meat that I did eat, I always made sure that the meat was humanely raised/free range/organic/etc..

I hope you enjoy reading my learning experiences with my adventures in eating a vegan plant based diet.

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