Saturday, December 7, 2013

My First Tofurky Roast!

Today I made my first Tofurky roast at home and it was delicious!  I love Tofurky products and this one did not disappoint.

How to make this roast:

First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  You can put the roast in a big casserole dish with a lid, or in an oven pan wrapped tightly in tin foil.  I chose to use a nice sized casserole dish with a lid.

For my roast I chopped up a couple small yukon potatoes and a couple purple potatoes, two carrots, and half of a yellow onion.  I put the veggies around the roast and threw in 4 or 5 smashed garlic cloves.  To baste the roast I followed a recipe from the Tofurky website.

The baste:
3 tbsp of Olive Oil
1 tbsp of Soy Sauce
1 tsp of dry thyme 

Mix the baste ingredients together well and use about 3/4 of the mixture to cover your roast completely.  I then sprinkled a couple generous pinches of salt and a little bit of dried thyme over the veggies and the roast.  

Bake in the oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Pull the dish out of the oven and poor the rest of the baste mixture on the roast, and put back in the oven for 10 minutes.  

To serve I heated up the Tofurky gravy, which was super yummy!  But next time I'd like to try to make my own gravy from scratch.  

What is your favorite way to make a Tofurky Roast?

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